What makes us unique?
- Author-led: Our authors come to us. We don’t have a corporate board that does abstract research to decide what educators or students should think they want.
- Teacher-created materials: Our authors are teachers working in the classroom. They know what works and what doesn’t. Our materials are all about teachers helping teachers!
- Classroom-tested: These are materials the authors themselves use in their own classrooms with their own students! They’ve been tested and refined!
- Topics and approaches that are outside the box: Because we’re small and independent, we can create materials that are unique. Our materials aren’t sanitized or censored or graded until they become so bland! We believe letting students address a variety of topics leads to stronger critical thinking skills!

Join Us
I’m actively looking for bookstores, ESL and EFL resource suppliers, distributors, schools, universities, gift shops, coffee shops, doctors offices, and virtually anyone who might be interested in carrying any or all of our titles! Email us (orders@alphabetpublishingbooks.com) to ask about setting up a wholesale discount!
You can also order our titles through Ingram Content Group.
We’re also happy to hear from writers, editors, designers, and other professionals who might want to work with us. We’re always looking to increase our stable of freelance professionals!

Partners and Recommended Professionals
- Dietschi Educational Services: Our official distributors in Greece and Cyprus!
- Independent Authors & Publishers: a group of indie authors and publishers in ELT
- Annabel Brandon: Freelance graphic designer specializing in typography, branding and editorial design.
- Melissa Williams Book Design: Book interior and cover design, as well as promotional materials.
- JAAD Book Design: Book interior and cover design.
- IBPA: The Independent Book Publishers Association
- Society of Authors: An organization that supports all authors
- Freeed.com: A social network of English teachers
- Wayzgoose Press: A publisher of indie books
- Pro-Lingua Learning: A long-standing indie ELT Press.